Devotion: S E P T E M B E R 5

Saved Unto Good Works

Scripture: Ephesians 2:10

Most Americans have it backwards when it comes to salvation. They think they are going to be saved by their good works. We know that is not true. We are saved by grace through faith. Yet the problem is that there are many church members who think they have the problem all solved. They don’t do anything because they assume they are just saved. We are not saved by good works, but we are saved for good works, as Ephesians 2:10 says.

So, let me ask another question. What have you accomplished for Christ? Many people resolve to do nothing and succeed perfectly.

What is the proper relationship between faith and works? We are saved by faith and after that we live our lives in thanksgiving to God by doing His will. If there were no work for us to do, God could just take us home as soon as we got saved. But He has left us here in this world to do good works, which He has prepared and planned for us to do. These works have nothing to do with our justification, but they help along our sanctification, they glorify Him, and they benefit our fellow man.

Lord Jesus, thank You for entrusting me with good works for me to do for You. Help me to do them well and in joyful gratitude to You…