Devotion: A U G U S T 1

Spiritual Reproduction

Scripture: Acts 1:8

Jesus wants us to tell others about Him, so that they too may come to experience His forgiveness of sins. There is great joy in spiritual reproduction.

I remember the words of Dr. Manford Gutzke, professor of English Bible at Columbia Theological Seminary. He said, “Gentlemen, you can always tell the difference between a real rose and a milliner’s rose made in a flower shop. The real rose may be beaten by the winds, it may be eaten by the cat, it may have holes from worms in it, while the milliner’s rose may be a beauty to behold. But one thing is certain, the milliner’s rose will never produce another rose.”

Which are you? The real thing or a fake? A nominal Christian never produces another Christian, but real Christians do. That’s one of the easiest ways to tell. So determine that you are going to witness for Christ. I hope you will determine that you are going to witness to someone every week. If you don’t know how to do that, you ought to learn how, and there are programs, such as Evangelism Explosion, that are more than happy to train you. But if you can’t do that, and until you do, at least invite them to come to church. Ask God to use you to help others follow Jesus.

Lord of the harvest, give me strength for today to be a Christian with a winsome and active witness. May the people I invest my time in know You and love You as I do…