Devotion: O C T O B E R 1 1

The Beauty Of Holiness

Scripture: Psalm 29:2

What do you expect when you go to church on Sunday mornings? Do you view Sunday morning church as a type of performance? Many people do. They listen to the choir as if they were at a concert, ready to critique the choir’s performance. They sing hymns but never once as they sing do they ever think of praising God. Instead, they sing hymns by rote, with their minds turned off.

But God doesn’t want us to sit back as passive observers. He wants us to actively participate in worshipping Him.

Soren Kierkegaard, the Danish philosopher, thought that most people conceive of church as a drama wherein they are merely spectators. In this drama, the minister is the principal actor. God prompts the minister by whispering His lines in the minister’s ear (should the minister chance to forget them), and the congregation members are the critics who pass their judgment on the performance.

The truth of the matter, says Kierkegaard, is that church is a drama of sorts. But if we view worship as God designed it, the congregation members should be the actors, the minister the prompter, and God Himself the critic. Why? Because worship is one’s response to the revelation of God. When we recognize God’s true nature, we want to worship Him in direct proportion to the clarity of our vision of Him.

So many people don’t understand the true joy of worship. And God doesn’t want us to miss it. This Sunday, remember to actively worship God as a participant, not as a mere spectator. When the choir sings and the minister preaches, lift their words in praise to God. “Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name.”

"“If absence makes the heart grow fonder, some people ought to love their churches greatly.”"